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TOP 5 SEO Trends of 2023

Getting to the top of the search results is no longer so easy and not everyone can do it. This process requires a lot of time and effort, and increased competition adds fuel to the fire along with the next updates to the search engine. This means that staying confident and afloat in this system, while increasing influence, revenues and actual profits is possible only by following the latest trends in SEO.

Expert, solid and engaging content

In 2023, content is one of the main ranking factors for any search engine. But do not forget that it forms the basis not only for indexing, but also for ordinary users who go to search engines. The content is able to give any answers to their questions, helps to solve their problems, and most importantly, it is ready to help with a difficult choice. It is important to realize that creating content is important and necessary not for search engines and robots, but for real people, which will help to better understand and appreciate the value of content.

In order for Google and Yandex to place a link to the site at the top of the issue, the content on your page must be suitable and comply with the EAT principle. What is its meaning? Expertise, credibility and credibility. Remember, the quality of the text is valued much more than the number of keywords.

Focus on the user

You can be sure that the main task of any site is to involve its user in the correct, dynamic interaction with him: reading content, moving through services and products, sending the first requests. The interest of the user should be directed not only to your content, which was discussed earlier, but also to the site itself as a whole. As a result, by combining all this into a ruling tandem, your indicators will work more efficiently. And if your site is in some way inconvenient for the user, then it definitely will not reach a possible purchase. The latest Google and Yandex updates will help increase the impact of user experience.


Feedback is a unique opportunity to show and prove the presence of your company, its competence, representativeness, product quality and quality service. Sounds too easy? And there is. To date, search engines prefer exactly those resources that take place on maps and sites for collecting reviews. However, it is important to note that being present is only part of the job. The fact is that you need to monitor the rating of your company on all the sites where you represent it, constantly give concise feedback to all users, and also do not miss negative reviews.

Keep in mind that the minimum required for any business or company is placement on Google My Business and/or Yandex.Business. After that, it is important to update all the necessary information: products / services, company news, contacts and activities. You should also think about adding reviews for products or services directly on the site. In this case, if there is micro-markup on the reviews, the rating of each product will be recorded directly in the search results of Google and Yandex.

Mobile First

Until recently, companies lived by the principle of making a good desktop version first, but the trends of our time have made significant adjustments, and in 2023, the development of the desktop version is in the background after the mobile one. First of all, what you need to pay attention to is UI / UX factors, optimizing the site for users with mobile devices.

Whether it's complex B2B topics or ordinary, at first glance, B2C - their mobile traffic is many times ahead of the desktop one. Today in the world, on average, mobile search takes 80% of the total mass of clicks, which proves the importance of having a convenient and simplified mobile version for every business. In other words, for a constantly growing and profitable company, it is important to develop, taking into account the growing segment of the changing market, otherwise competitors may well outperform even fairly successful companies.

Video content

I think everyone understands and it’s not a secret for anyone, video content is becoming more and more popular every day, and its influence on SEO will only grow and increase. According to statistics, video accounts for 80% of mobile traffic, which indicates that the presence of high-quality video content on a site or page will have a positive effect on indexing and ranking. Otherwise, it will help increase the site conversion and behavioral indicators (the time the user spent on the site, views, activity, etc.)

Most of the responses are collected by unique video reviews of products and services, but it is also worth considering that other users may find videos about the company, its employees and production more interesting.

As a result, it is important to realize that the above trends have played an important role in building a business for a long time, however, in 2023 they will further strengthen their influence. Now it's your turn - when building your SEO strategy for 2023, don't forget to take into account the trends described above.

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