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TOP 5 SMM trends of 2023

The development and promotion of social networks in 2023 cannot be imagined without taking into account progressive trends. The modern audience is not able to respond to old, familiar methods, which is why companies have to constantly adapt and adapt to the new conditions of the digital market, namely, to scale SMM marketing, create sharper, more relevant content and change promotion strategies.

The main areas in 2023 will be the gamification of sales funnels, the diversification of sites, as well as sincerity and transparency in the blog. And the task of each smm-specialist will be: the search for new promising platforms, the preparation, adaptation of relevant content and the use of alternative means of promotion.

Trend № 1: Sales Funnel Gamification

Every year, the activity of users in the funnel decreases, which means that it is necessary to build each stage more efficiently so that as many people as possible reach the purchase. Have you noticed that popular brands are increasingly trying to attract the attention of the audience through the game? Gamification is the introduction of game elements into workflows, thanks to which companies manage to increase sales, retain their customers and maintain loyalty. But most importantly, gamification is very good at increasing engagement - users are passionately and willingly participating in the game. Some of the main elements of gamification are statuses, free items, and new products.

Amazing, isn't it? How to build a sales funnel in a game format using gamification? Let's figure it out. For example, let's take an educational project in which you can introduce the user to the curator and the program of the course itself through a free product. Do everything in the format of a simple marathon or quest, where participants will complete tasks without difficulty, earn a discount or prizes that will later allow them to buy your product. In other words, you involve the person in the entire product line.

Trend № 2: diversification of sites

In our ever-evolving world, every business is obliged to instantly and with full dedication to develop new sites. In 2023, the trend towards diversification will only intensify. Having an active Instagram account is great, but opening new channels becomes even more important and valuable in the new realities of our lives. A large number of companies have come to Telegram. This is a good platform for creating information channels, promoting a personal brand, online education, as well as thematic communities or groups. Unlike other popular platforms, the audience in Telegram is more picky about content, because first of all it is a messenger, not a social network. Channels are mixed with personal correspondence. With all this, deferred consumption is practiced in the messenger, that is, users “collect” unread content, and then master everything at once.

YouTube, TikTok, and Snapchat are also on the list of popular transition sites. If you decide to master diversification, then adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Create accounts only on relevant sites specifically for your business.
  • Design and develop your own. These can be: podcasts, websites, or personalized e-mail newsletters - as practice shows, communication channels with your audience should not depend on third-party platforms.

Trend № 3: Personalization

Personalization is one of the top SMM trends in 2023. The audience is no longer eager to consume one, mass product, it needs an individual offer or a solution that was created specifically for it. Previously, the whole secret was in the average portrait of the target audience, but now this is no longer enough. It is recommended to analyze the needs of a particular person to promote the product in social networks. Personalization should be followed everywhere: in the voice of the brand, mailings, content and in other activities. In an ever-changing market, users want a unique product as well as personalized service.

Trend № 4: Sincerity and transparency


Have you noticed that in the last couple of years, social networks have been just overwhelmed with advertising and aggressive sales? Yes, until recently it was so, but today they are characterized by a trend towards genuine sincerity. Users value not studio, photoshopped photos more, but live pictures of ordinary people. Even major bloggers and brands confirm this every day.

Subscribers are waiting for sincere posts, not simulated, artificial emotions. Even looking at sales in social networks, you can see significant changes - the audience is waiting for an honest review of the product without the use of manipulation. Sustainability and social responsibility are the new elements of our reality.

Trend № 5: Collaborations

The collab trend is very powerful, a large number of companies are already doing interesting joint projects that will help them strengthen their brand, reach a new audience, present a new product, increase company loyalty, and increase sales. Without a doubt, this trend cannot be called new, but it is important to understand that in a crisis it is very difficult for companies to exist alone. That is why, by joining forces, brands will be able to share an active audience to expand their market share. When planning collaborations, it is important to consider the following:

  • Brand meaning. Partner brands must converge not only on goals, but also on values.
  • Audience interests. Before launching a collaboration, carefully study the audience, it is better not to rely on feelings.
  • Trends. Constantly follow global and local trends. Think about how you can dynamically and most effectively join the trends.

Now you already know that every company just needs to follow the trends in order to correctly distribute their own forces for the production and promotion of content. And the best way to “catch” a trend is to anticipate it and adapt to it in time.

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